Customer Care

Our commitment – 
support for customers experiencing vulnerability

Insurance Investment Solutions Pty Ltd (IIS) recognises that our customers may experience vulnerability due to a wide range of factors, including age, disability, mental or physical health conditions, language barriers, family violence and financial hardship.

We’re here to provide additional support to our customers where it is needed, ensuring that our specialised Customer Care team approaches each enquiry with sensitivity and discretion.

Family Violence

IIS is committed to providing safe and flexible support to customers who experience family violence.

If you are experiencing family violence, we encourage you to make it known to us. We have provided our staff with training so they can better understand the warning signs and impacts of family violence.

All disclosures to IIS will remain confidential and you will only have to explain your situation to us once.

How we can help

Our approach will focus on what is best for you. This will include;

  • Protecting your personal information, including your physical address and contact details, even if you are a joint policy holder.
  • Ensuring only staff directly involved in helping you will have access to your information.
  • Agreeing on how best to communicate with you, including through a nominated representative.

Additional support available

In an emergency or if you are feeling unsafe always call 000.

1800 737 732
24/7 national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service.
Safe Steps
1800 015 188
24/7 crisis support for women and children. Provides information on family violence support services, legal rights and accommodation options.
Men’s Referral Service
1300 766 491
Anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals service.
1800 755 988
Services, programs and responses to issues of family violence in migrant and refugee communities.
1800 729 367
Advice and counselling to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTIQ+) people in Victoria & Tasmania
1800 105 303
Assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders victims/survivors of family violence and sexual assault.

Financial Hardship

Financial difficulty can come about in many forms and can affect everyone differently.

IIS is committed to better understanding your situation and working toward a positive outcome.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, owe money to IIS or are in an urgent financial state due to an event for which you are making a claim (such as a natural disaster), please let us know as soon as possible.

Support we can offer

The support we can provide will depend on your individual circumstances. Examples of financial assistance we may provide include;

  • Fast tracking the assessment of a claim, or advancing a payment where a claim has been accepted
  • Arranging or delaying an instalment plan where you owe IIS money – such as for a policy excess, or where we are seeking to recover money from you
  • Putting our recovery actions on hold

Please note that the financial hardship assistance does not apply to the payment of premiums under an insurance policy. If you are having difficulty paying your premium, please contact us.

Other ways we can help

If you need additional assistance, please contact our Customer Care team to let us know so that we can work with you to find the appropriate support.

This may include things such as when it is appropriate to communicate with you, allowing you to nominate a representative (such as a friend, family member or lawyer), or referring you to a financial counsellor or an appropriate community support service.

Applying for Financial Hardship Assistance

We ask that you gather any documents relevant to your circumstances to support your application. This can include;

  • Centrelink statements
  • Evidence of your unemployment, such as a letter from your former employer
  • A letter from your doctor confirming serious illness, disability, mental health issues, carer responsibilities or injury that prevents you from earning income.
  • A letter from a charitable organisation regarding loss of employment or inability to provide for basic necessities
  • Copies of unexpected or overdue bills/payments or other expenses
  • Notices of eviction, disconnection of essential services, or repossession of property
  • Notices of impending legal action

Please send the completed form and supporting documents to

Our Customer Care team will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.

We respect your need for privacy and will adhere to the IIS Privacy Policy at all times. We will ensure that information collected is kept confidential and only shared with IIS employees responsible for assessing your application for Financial Hardship.

Further support:

National Debt Hotline
1800 007 007
Not-for-profit service that provides free professional financial counselling.
Beyond Blue
1300 224 636
Information and support to help people in Australia affected by anxiety, depression and suicide. Available 24 hours.
13 11 14
24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Complaint & dispute resolution process

We are committed to meeting our clients’ expectations. IIS would like to know if you are not satisfied with your experience. Please let us know so that we can attempt in good faith to resolve any complaint in a timely manner.

Translating and interpreting service

If you require a translator, please contact us. We have an account with Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) through the Australian Government. When you contact us we will provide you with access to this service.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS) by calling the numbers below, or go to the National Relay Service website for other access options.

Voice Relay number:

1300 555 727

TTY number:

133 677